Interior House Painting: Do I Need to Worry About Fumes?

As winter lingers on and we are now quite limited in our outdoor activities, it is often the perfect time to put your focus on the interior projects in your home. You could consider remodeling, redecorating, or (perhaps more pocket-book-friendly) repainting your home with a fresh color and coat. But the question that often lingers in our minds is: do I need to worry about paint fumes?

blue paint being poured into black paint tray

Let’s Talk Paint Fumes

In the past, it has been far more traditional to do any big cleaning or repainting projects during the spring and summer months because it is much easier to ventilate when the weather is kinder to us and the windows can be opened. A lot of this is due to the chemicals that we have always known to be a big part of these projects.

Fortunately, paint has greatly evolved over the past number of years. Rather than having a repainted room smell like chemically induced fresh paint for days and days, we now have high quality interior paint that includes an incredibly low amount of chemicals. So low in fact, that besides a slight odor that may appear when applying the paint, it is pretty much odor free by the time it dries (which is also very quick!).

As our world focuses on improving the chemicals that we put into the air, paint manufacturers have ensured to do the same. They want you to be able to paint on any day of the year that you want to and to know that it is safe to do so. 

Interior Painting? You Can Breathe Easy

Unless you have a specific allergy or sensitivity, painting in the winter months is a safe decision for you. Let us know if you have any concerning allergies in your family so that we can ensure a completely safe repaint for your home.

Ready to get started? We are ready for you! Contact us today!
