Interior Painting Tips – How Should You Paint a Small Room?

Interior layouts in today’s homes tend to be open concept, with rooms flowing together and an emphasis on community spaces.

This wasn’t quite as common in decades past.

It wasn’t that folks were less sociable (although maybe that’s partly to blame), but mostly because rooms used to be dedicated to more specific functions than they are now. And, smaller rooms were easier and more efficient to heat.

If you live in a historic property here in Westchester and Fairfield (and we have plenty!), or simply a home with an older-fashioned layout, you might be wondering how to handle painting these smaller spaces. Is there a way to expand the walls with color, maintaining historic integrity but adding a more modern flair?

In short, yes!

Painting Small Rooms to Make Them Feel Larger

NY Interiors

Here are a few tried-and-true techniques for making small rooms feel bigger with nothing but strategic interior paint:

  • Use Light Colors – The good news is that light neutrals are also extremely stylish!
  • Paint Crown Molding – If you have crown molding, try painting it a lighter color than the walls. It will make it stand out, and visually push the ceiling upward.
  • Paint Opposite Walls Matching Colors – Paint two parallel walls one color, and paint the other two parallel walls another color. Not only is it a nice visual contrast, but it also will push the walls apart rather than make the room feel like a box.
  • Use a Higher Gloss Paint – Remember, a higher gloss paint is reflective, durable, and ideal for walls (especially in high-traffic areas). Bouncing the light around the room will also keep things feeling brighter and more spacious.
  • Monochromatic Color Schemes – If you can paint your walls a similar color to any key, larger pieces of permanent furniture, you will diminish the color contrasts that can make a room feel more full than it really is.

4 Simple Tips for Decorating a Small Room

  • Natural Light – Infuse the room with just as much natural light as possible! Replace heavy drapes with lighter blinds, make sure furniture isn’t blocking a light source, etc.
  • Mirrors – Remember how we mentioned the value of more reflective paint for your walls? Mirrors can take this to the next level by providing not only attractive style, but also the illusion of more space and light than there really is.
  • Keep Surfaces Clear – Clutter will congest your small room faster than nearly anything else.
  • Glass Is Your Friend – Glass-topped end tables and coffee tables will create fewer visual obstructions, providing that open aesthetic your space needs.

For the best results, we suggest talking with a professional painting company who can not only help with the painting itself, but also with experienced color selection, tips, and interior design. The power is in the optical illusion that can be created, adding that essential visual square-footage in a stylish way.
